OK, let’s see. This weekend is quite fun actually.
Huh. sedikit bete karena kemaren udah mo ngepost, udah ngetik panjang2 dan udah kelar mo di publish, eeeh! nih internetnya ngaco gara2 pas ngetik entry, sambil ngeburn pelm At the dolphin bay huw~ membetekeun sekale. And here i am now, trying it again 😛
couldn’t remember what I’ve written yesterday, but hmm… well, by just looking at the tittle, some of you perhaps could guess where this leads you to. The Prince And Me.
The movie is just as predicted, a chick-flick movie with a happy ending, of course. And funny thing is, most of the audience yesterday is 98% girls. hihihi. Cowonya bisa diitung pake jari tangan ama kaki deh 😛
Wanna know the story? It’s pretty cinderella-style in a way. Paige Morgan (Julia Stiles) is your extraordinary, farm, attractive, smart, witty kinda girl who lived in Wisconsin. She’s a senior in college and wants to get into a med school to pursue her dreams, in becoming a doctor. Eddie Williams a.k.a the Prince Edward of Denmark (Luke Mably) is the dream guy every girl wants. He’s THE Prince, (so the description of Prince Charming, I think would fit perfectly for him, yeah, literally. :P) But girls, he has the charisma for a playboy, a rich one, handsome, tall, gorgeous looking gentleman you could ever find.
When the camera showed his grand appearance in the show, he was driving a BMW 7 and finding a parking spot. After that it moves to the driver seat, where his PA seats and opens his door, walks over to the driver side, and opening the door for the Prince. And from then on, I’m pretty sure your eyes would follow wherever this Prince might go. 😛
At first I didn’t think he’s that cute, but somewhat as the movie progresses, he’s getting handsomer (if that’s even a word :P) by the minute 😛 The part where he proposed to Paige is such a breathtaking moments. So romantic 😛 He was holding the ring in her right palm, but when he opened his palm, a yellow butterfly flew out. Waaa.. hihihi….
This fairy-tale, too-good-too-be-true kinda movie makes me wonder though. Where’s the twist? Is the story gonna go along just fine and goodie goodie without any problems? Where’s the climax? Where the point? The moral to the story, hello? ^ ^ And so, at the almost end of the two-hours, I was beginning to get more curious. And finally, the twist came and kinda made me, “Ugh? errrr… but….?”
But, overall, it was a good movie especially when you love chick-flick movies and Julia Stiles 😛 I just love her movies and her acting. Did you see Down to you played with Freddie Prince, Jr. ?? Wah, keren banget disitu dia dancenya hehe…. do you notice in every movie she’s in, there’s gotta be a dancing scene and I just think she’s a natural. The way she dances, gives more plus point to the story itself. Then comes Save the last dance, where she is a ballerina, trying to get into the most prestigious art school in the U.S., the Julliard. 10 things I hate about You is also played by her, and again, there was that dancing scene where she danced on top of the table, drunk 😛
Anyhow, after watching The Prince and Me, I guess every girl could have her own dreams, could she? Even though who you’re gonna meet in the future would be still unpredictable. But if that dreams become so vivid in your eyes, you cannot forget, I guess that’s what this movie wants to push. For young girls to believe in dreams and reaching out with all they can, and for the rest of us to just enjoy the show and be all dreamy for a good 120 minutes 😛
Next…50 First Dates
Some of you perhaps watched it already and knew the story. But it’s about a guy who wouldn’t give up introducing himself to the girl that he loves, eventhough she can’t remember him the next day. Played by Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore, this more becomes quite interesting when I heard about a testimony from a friend of mine.
He watched this movie and started thinking the idea beyond this movie. An illustration that was used to describe God’s Love to His children. Just imagine, God wants to have a deep relationship with us, and He won’t stop trying to ‘introduce’ Himself to become a part of our lives. Henry (Adam Sandler) fell in love with this girl, Lucy (Drew Barrymore) and he realized on the second met that she is a special girl.
Lucy had an accident a year before and suffer a short-term memory loss. So, this is how it works. She can’t remember what happen before the accident. Everything else she could remember but after the accident, she lives her life as if that day of the accident is the recent day.
Her father and brother love her so much that they play a long, making a scene as if the day repeat itself over and over. And Henry, because of his love to her, can’t give her up that easily. He tried over and over to introduce to her and to go beyond the rejections to keep befriend with her.
God is also like that. He wants us to recognize him, his love, his grace and his salvation. This movie is really good to see the illustration. You’ll see how Henry with his ways to make Lucy remembers him, even only for one day, will make you think just how much a guy can do to pursue the girl that he loves. Imagine just how much more a God can do to love us. Much much more that we can imagine, I think.
actually, I am so sad cause dari kemaren lusa itu Uda blm jg sembuh sakitnya..hiks..*kacian banget* jdnya hari ini ga’ masuk kerja…
Love U da..cepet sembuh yach..