Kilasan Bulan Mei :computer
A month has gone by. June is coming! and soon, it’ll be another year passes by, another year, another wiser, I hope *wink* :wink
On TiPi :
REALITY SHOW sekarang makin banyak aja Di bulan Mei ini, mencetak record the highest watching ever hehehe 😛 hepi hepi hepi 😛 Hmm
on foods:
Bulan ini acara makan diluar ama Uda and my best friend (ada si ndut, galuh) cuma sekali di hidden valley…yummiii…enak banget loh masakan disana…hhmmmm pedes banget..berasa makan dirumah…So, this month I tasted plenty of Indo foods hmmm yum~ 😛
on books:
Jakarta Under Cover..and finish reading it 2 days ago. YAY! hihi… bagus bukunya….
buku Wedding Planner msh dipinjam ama Lisa…soalnya dia jg still confuse about her wedding..
on mp3s:
Added a few more megs to my mp3 collections. *grin* *grin*
April Top 10 most listened songs:
1. waduh ga’ tau jdlnya nih…lagunya Ari Lasso yg Reff nya gini nih…Entah dimanaaa dirimu beeradaaa..hampa terasa hidupku tanpa dirimu…kayak gt deh…
Lagunya enak bangeeeeeeeeet.
2. ADA Band “Ough”
Meskipun lagu lama, tapi koq baru denger bulan ini ya? hihi….
3. Joey McIntyre “LA Blue”
His newest single. Masuk dijejeran TankTop Heartbeat Top40 every Friday 18:00wib @HBS 😛
4. Ben Jelen “Come On”
5. Coco Lee “Before I fall in love”
Lagu lama. Tapi pas didengerin lagi, tetepppp enak deh.
6. Mario Winans “I Don’t Wanna”
Udah liat video clipnya? Huaa…nice grand piano hihi…
7. The Corrs “Summer Sunshine”
Also newest single. Album come out around 24th of May 2004.
8. Fatima Rainey “Hey”
I say ‘hey.. hey… I love you till the morning comes….. I say ‘hey hey… I’ll kiss you in the morning sun….
9. Stairway to heaven OST
A korean drama soundtrack. Nice, easy listening tunes…
10. Will Downing “A million ways”
Last but not least, a jazzy tune 😉 Enakkkkk bangeth2…. 😛
on weather:
The beginning of Spring. or should I say, Spring is finally here?
Olrite. I guess that’s a wrap! 😉